Conan Exiles Camel Calf (2024)

If you've embarked on the thrilling adventure of Conan Exiles, you've likely encountered a myriad of creatures, each with its own unique traits and abilities. Among these creatures, the camel calf stands out as both a useful companion and a source of valuable resources. In this guide, we'll delve into the world of Conan Exiles camel calves, exploring their characteristics, uses, and how to obtain and care for them.

What is a Camel Calf in Conan Exiles?

In Conan Exiles, a camel calf is a young camel that players can tame and raise as a companion. These adorable creatures can be found wandering the deserts of the Exiled Lands, typically in the company of their larger counterparts, adult camels.

The Appearance of Camel Calves

Camel calves in Conan Exiles are characterized by their smaller size compared to adult camels. They have a cute and endearing appearance, with soft fur and curious eyes that reflect their youthful energy. Despite their diminutive stature, camel calves possess the same humpbacked silhouette and distinctive features as adult camels.

Uses of Camel Calves

While camel calves may not be as robust or powerful as their adult counterparts, they still offer several benefits to players in Conan Exiles. These include:

  1. Carrying Capacity: Camel calves can be trained to carry items, making them valuable companions for transporting resources and loot across the desert.

  2. Fast Travel: When equipped with a saddle, camel calves can serve as mounts, allowing players to traverse the expansive landscapes of the Exiled Lands more quickly than on foot.

  3. Resource Gathering: Like adult camels, camel calves have the ability to gather resources such as hide and meat from slain enemies, providing a steady supply of valuable materials.

Obtaining a Camel Calf

To obtain a camel calf in Conan Exiles, players have several options:

  1. Wild Encounters: Camel calves can occasionally be found roaming the desert biomes of the Exiled Lands. Players can approach these calves and attempt to tame them using the appropriate methods.

  2. Breeding: Players who already own adult camels can breed them to produce camel calves. This requires constructing a suitable pen for the camels and providing them with appropriate food and shelter.

Caring for Your Camel Calf

Once you've obtained a camel calf in Conan Exiles, it's important to provide proper care to ensure its health and well-being. This includes:

  1. Feeding: Camel calves require a diet of plant-based foods such as berries and fiber. Make sure to keep their feeding trough stocked with nutritious food to keep them healthy and happy.

  2. Shelter: Provide a sheltered area for your camel calf to rest and seek refuge from the harsh desert sun and sandstorms. A sturdy stable or pen will protect them from harm.

  3. Training: Spend time with your camel calf to bond with them and train them to follow commands. This will make them more obedient and responsive to your instructions.


In the vast and unforgiving world of Conan Exiles, camel calves serve as loyal companions and valuable allies to players brave enough to tame them. Whether you're seeking a reliable mount for travel, a sturdy pack animal for carrying supplies, or simply a friendly face in the desert, camel calves are sure to enhance your gaming experience.

Unique FAQs

1. Can camel calves be ridden by players?

  • Yes, with the appropriate saddle equipped, camel calves can be ridden by players, providing a faster means of travel across the desert.

2. How long does it take to tame a camel calf?

  • Taming times can vary depending on the level and effectiveness of your taming methods. On average, it may take anywhere from several minutes to an hour to tame a camel calf.

3. Can camel calves defend themselves in combat?

  • While camel calves are not as powerful as adult camels, they can still fend off smaller threats and assist players in combat situations.

4. What is the lifespan of a camel calf in Conan Exiles?

  • Camel calves have a lifespan similar to other creatures in the game. With proper care and attention, they can live for an extended period, providing loyal companionship to their owners.

5. Are there any special breeds of camel calves in Conan Exiles?

  • While there are no specific breeds of camel calves in the game, players may encounter variations in coloration and markings among individual calves, adding to the diversity of their companions.
Conan Exiles Camel Calf (2024)
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